TL-5500 Conference Solution -------
especially for Auditorium
The basic system supports up to 60 delegate units and 5 dual-interpreter units, and can be expanded to 1000 delegate units with additional extension CCU.
This system seamlessly integrates with GONSIN interpretation system, so to provide simultaneous interpretation service for additional participants.
When the system runs without PC/software control:
1 chairman unit and 10 vice-chairman units can be used in a system;
Chairman/vice-chairman units can be active at any time;
Chairman unit can override/mute all the active delegate units;
Chairman can approve or reject delegate request to speak;
Attendance registration using IC card or microphone button;
Simultaneous active delegate microphones from 1 to 4;
the number of the simultaneously speaking Chairman units is not limited;
Multiple selectable voting types and options are a∑ Vailable;
Delegates can select 6 channels for 6 different languages;
LCD display of conference and user-related information;
Up to 4 dome cameras can be supported to track the speaking delegate;
The camera tracking can switch to the whole conference site view at any time;
Three selectable microphone modes are available for delegate discussion.
When the system functions with operator/software control:
Centralized microphone management;
Operator control over delegate request-to-speak list;
1 chairman unit and 10 vice-chairman units can be used in a system;
Chairman can override all the delegate units;
Each delegate unit can be preset as vice-chairman unit;
Delegate speaking time limit can be preset or controlled by operator;
Up to 4 dome cameras can be supported to track the speaking delegate.
Different voting types and options:
- Parliamentary voting, ordinary election, multi-choice: YES / NO / ABST;
- Quick election: 1/2/3/4/5;
Dynamic registration mode and countdown registration mode;
-Handholding microphone designed, can be disassembly and kept in the armrest currently during they are not used in conference, which is very convenient to the maintenance;
-MIC\PRIOR buttons are for speaking;
-Key-presses such as VOL+\VOL-\CH+\CH are for simultaneous interpretation function;
-Key-presses: Yes/ Abst/ No are for voting, election, fast election and appraising;
-audio channels can be chosen in the non-voting or registration state;
-13-PIN Connector for delegate units, the connection type is daisy-chain by"T"shaped connector cables;
-the delegate unit is with the connector of the earphone and the knob for adjusting volume;
-1 chairman unit and 10 vice-chairman units can be used in a system;
-Chairman can override all the delegate units;
-Simultaneous active delegate microphones from 1 to 4;
-Each delegate unit can be preset as vice-chairman unit;
-Delegate speaking time limit can be preset or controlled by operator;
-Attendee registration by inserting IC card or pushing mic button;
-Dynamic registration mode and countdown registration mode;
-LCD display of conference and user-related information;
-Up to 4 dome cameras can be supported to track the speaking delegate;
-HDD (Hard disk drive) conference recording can be done via software;
-Open/FIFO/Operator microphone modes can be selected;
-Registration type: By pressing key and inserting card;
-Back-lit LCD screen shows conference related information for registration, voting, the interpretation channel and the starting state of the delegate units and so on;
-The delegate units have the function of setting up and receiving notes;
-Compatible with PELCO-P9600 protocol, supporting camera Sony(D-70/D-70P)etc;
Technical datas:
-Frequency response: : 100Hz~14kHz
-Sensibility: -46dB+(-4dB)
Besides all the function same as the delegate units, the chairperson has the functions as follows:
-Chairperson unit has the priority of controlling the conferencing order.
-Chairperson unit can override/mute all the active delegate units.
fits auditorium chair perfectly!
Good looking and high end;
audience can speak,vote,select interpretation channel only sitting on the seat;
make auditorium with more conference function, audience can participate the conference easily.